Bold Breath

Your every breath is a gift. Also, you should be bold enough to risk it all—in a certain way at least.

These two concepts have been repeatedly reinforced in my world, and if you’ll notice, I wager they are visible in your life too.

First, everywhere I turn lately, I am reminded of the truth that my very being—and yours—is only animated because of the breath of God. When God formed Adam from dust, that dust only came to life when God breathed into him (Gen. 2:7). That breath is the only thing that distinguished the dust of Adam from the living being Adam. As long as God’s breath was in him, Adam was animated with life! Once that breath ceased to move through him, Adam’s body was once again dust.

The breath (of God, specifically) made all the difference!

This miracle of creation—including the miracle of being infused with breath and life—is a truth our pastor has been expanding on recently (love you, Pastor Mark), and it has caused me to notice the phenomenon in countless ways around me.

You know what else has caused me to notice this truth? The reality of walking through the ceasing of God’s breath moving through the body of my wife, Brooke’s, mom. There is no way to sugarcoat it . . . the departure of God’s breath is painful, and its absence leaves a mark. We rejoice unceasingly in the promise of eternity and in the knowledge of wholeness, but—and you very likely know this reality, as well—the temporary separation caused by the absence of God’s breath in a human body of dust is painful. It just is.

Again, the breath of God makes all the difference!

So, what do boldness and risk have to do with any of this?

There really is no two ways about it. If you are but dust absent God’s breath, but capable of channeling the immeasurable power of God when infused by it (Eph. 3:20), how could you be anything but bold as a lion (Pr. 28:1)?

Are you naturally risk-averse? I have told you before—I certainly am! I cling to this human body that is but dust, but here’s what I’m learning: A life marked with the kind of impact I long for, and one infused with the strength and courage needed is only accomplished if it is infused by the very breath of God. (Duet. 31:6; 2 Tim. 1:7)

Will you be bold enough to do the humanly risky thing God is asking of you? This is anything but license to be careless or brash with the treasure of life God has bestowed to you—He also granted you critical thinking and wisdom, and He intended for you to use those gifts!

But . . . I say it again: The breath of God makes all the difference!

Should you be audacious enough to live as though God’s breath moves through you, and is in fact the very thing that animates your being and separates it from dust?

Should you? Or, better asked, is there any other way to truly live?

God’s very breath fills your lungs, animates your being, and in fact makes you a human being. Live with a boldness that reflects that wild truth! 

The following article originally appeared in Thann’s “The Equipped” Weekly Newsletter. For more information on Thann’s weekly email, click here.

Thann Bennett

Thann Bennett is the Founder and President of Every Good Work, which exists to equip Jesus followers for a life of impact. His weekly newsletter, The Equipped, helps Jesus followers engage current events through a lens of the True and the beautiful. Thann and his wife, Brooke, are co-Founders of A Fearless Life, which works to find and fund a family for every adoption-eligible foster child in America. Thann has more than two decades of high-level public policy experience, with a particular focus on the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. He is the author of In Search of the King and My Fame His Fame. Thann and Brooke live in southern Maryland with their three children: Jude, Gambrell, and Hope, as well as a host of farm animals. The Bennetts are longtime members of the National Community Church family in Washington, D.C.


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