It’s Okay to Say Merry Christmas!
The First Amendment and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protect your right to express faith-based greetings like "Merry Christmas" and accommodate religious practices at work, ensuring the joy of the season can be shared confidently and respectfully.
5 Crucial Legal Points Every Pastor Should Know: Protecting Our Christian Duty to Serve
Churches must understand legal protections like RLUIPA to continue their charitable work without interference. This law safeguards religious institutions from discriminatory land-use regulations, ensuring they can serve communities freely, while also protecting the rights of the institutionalized.
A Second War in Israel
Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have escalated with recent cross-border attacks, adding to the challenges Israel faces. While the focus remains on Israel's conflict with Hamas, Hezbollah's actions highlight the broader threat in the region. Despite the ongoing conflict, we are reminded to persist in faith and prayer, trusting in God's ultimate promise of peace (Rev. 21:4).
Preserving Religious Liberty in Our Public Schools
Students in public schools have the right to pray, express religious beliefs, and wear religious symbols, while schools must ensure equal access and provide accommodations for religious practices. Teachers remain neutral during school hours but can express personal beliefs outside of work.